This is a tier list for Octopath Traveler: COTC accessories aimed at not overlooking powerful accessories.

In the case of A4 accessories, it may help decide which one to go for.

If an item is not included, in principle, its rank is D.

  • S+ Extremely powerful accessory that introduces a unique mechanic and/or provides a free action of some sort
  • S Very powerful accessory, potentially with a unique or hard to get useful effect, or also a very high useful stat
  • A+/A The accessory provides a useful effect and/or a combination or multiple relevant stats
  • B General go-to accessory that can fill empty spots for a moderate bonus
  • C Accessories that would normally not be used but can come in handy in very specific situations
  • D There’s probably no reason to equip the accessory on a character at all

The best effects in the game are unique ones, HP and speed.

Compiled by Mc cotc_grind (Youtube).

With the help of the Discord community.

Edited and formatted by MeowDB.

Airborne Knight’s BadgeA41000HP, 40 PATK, 15% Sword DMGAt full HP: Provoke all enemies.    S+  Edea’s A4 is arguably the best accessory in the game: the unit wearing it has taunt if their HP is full. It provides unlimited free “taunt” actions along with 1000 HP while still keeping the unit safe by removing the taunt if not at full HP. It enables multiple “cheese” strats with units that have physical or magic evasion. The 15% sword dmg up is the icing on the cake.
Maiden’s BellA460 EATK, 40 PDEF, 40 SPD, 15% Light DMGExtend duration of augmenting effect granted by Self for 1 turn (does not stack).    S+  Hasumi’s A4 accessory provides the unique effect of extending all buff durations by 1 turn. This is equivalent to a free action on every buff: normal buffs, regen casts, passive item buffs, passive character buffs (e.g. Lynette), ultimate buffs (e.g. Falco’s dagger damage up) etc. This effect alone would put the accessory at an S tier, and it also adds the very useful speed (turn order control) and elemental attack, which increases healers’ regen power.
Rose SachetA4100 SP, 20 EATK,20 SPDExtend duration of augmenting effects granted by Self by 1 turn. (Does not stack). Start of battle: Raise BP recovery amount by 1 (turns: 3). (Does not stack with support skills and equipment effects).    S+  Primrose EX’s A4 provides the same effect as Hasumi’s. And a large pool of SP.
Number 4’s GogglesA4700 HP, 70 PATK, 10% Weakness DMGExtend duration of enfeebling effect granted by Self for 1 turn (does not stack).    S+  A2’s A4 accessory provides large amounts of HP, high amounts of PATK, and the unique effect of extending all debuff duration by 1 turn. The 10% DMG up is universally useful for any unit.
Flower of OathA470 PATK, 70 SP100% chance of resisting some status ailments. When breaking an enemy, lower their Sword RES by 15% (turns: 3).    S+  Elrica’s A4 accessory provides 15% passive sword resistance down on break and is one of the best A4 accessories in the game along with Jorn and Joshua’s A4s. The immunity to ailments is a nice add-on.
Orlaea’s PendantA4100 E.Atk, 40 EDEFStart of battle: Cause all enemies to combust (turns: 3). Raise EATK of Entire Front Row by 15% when a combusted enemy is present.    S+  Frederica’s A4 accessory provides the ultra rare “permanent” passive of EATK. There isn’t any other source of permanent front row EATK buff from passives until we get Eltrix.
Love JournalA460 PATK,80 CRIT,10% Sword DMGWhen breaking an enemy, lower their Sword Res. by 20% (turns: 3)    S+  Joshua’s A4 is the perfect compliment to an already broken Warrior meta. Give this accessory to someone like Lars who can priority break the enemy.
Archaeologist’s GlovesA4700 HP, 70 EATKWhen breaking an enemy, lower their Wind and Light RES by 15% for 3 turns.   S  Odette’s A4 accessory provides more HP than almost all other A4 accessories, and a lot of elemental attack. On break, it also inflicts passive light and wind resistance down which stacks with active res down effects. Each of these (stats, effects) would be useful by themselves in an accessory. The four combined make this accessory extremely versatile and useful. It’s the strongest accessory for Wind and Light teams.
Cait Ecology RecordsA430 PATK, 80 EATK, 30 SPStart of battle: Lower Fire resistance of all enemies by 15% for 3 turns. When breaking an enemy, lower their Fire resistance by 15% for 3 turns.   S  Molu’s A4 accessory provides a high amount of elemental attack and it can cap passive fire def resistance down at 30% (initial 15% plus 15% on break – will stack to 30% if the initial is still active). It’s the strongest accessory for Fire teams.
Dragon Claw ClaspA440 PATK, 60 CRIT, 40 SPStart of battle: Lower Bow resistance of all enemies by 15% (turns: 3). When breaking an enemy, lower their Bow resistance by 15% (turns: 3).   S  Z’aanta’s A4 accessory provides a decent amount of attack. It can cap passive bow def resistance down at 30% (initial 15% plus 15% on break – will stack to 30% if the initial is still active). It’s the strongest accessory for Bow teams.
Kota’s Right GloveChest in Kota’s Home in Nameless TownStart of battle: Raise Phys. Atk by 30% for 3 turns, but lowers SP by 10% every turn for 3 turns.   S  Kota’s is a very powerful unique item that caps passive physical attack buff by itself. While the 3 turn duration may seem bad, it can be extended by 5* dancer Lynette passive skill “Empowering Exchange” + Brave Fan. It can also be extended by backpacking units with PATK passives, like Barrad. The SP debuff can be neutralized by cleanse from units like Theo. Units that can “steal” SP like Therion can really take advantage of this accessory.
Mantle of House ShermotA460 EATK, 40 SPD,40 SPStart of battle: Lower lightning res of all enemies by 15% for 3 turns. When breaking an enemy, lower their lightning resistance by 15% for 3 turns.   S   Therese’s A4 accessory provides nice elemental attack and speed. It can cap passive lightning def resistance down at 30% (initial 15% plus 15% on break – will stack to 30% if the initial is still active).
Playwright’s QuillA470 PATK,70 EATK,15% Dagger DMG,15% Tome DMGStart of battle: Ultimate Technique gauge fills to 100%   S   Auguste’s A4 is uniquely powerful, and allows for SP-less farming and certain cheese strats.
PoysenbalmA4100 EATK,40 SPWhen breaking an enemy, lower their Elem. Def. by 15% (turns: 3) and inflict poison (turns: 3)   S   Zenia’s A4 is a huge EATK stat stick with the rare passive of EDEF down.
Hunter’s PauldronsA470 CRITWhen breaking an enemy, lower their Sword Res. by 10% (turns: 2).  A+  Jorn’s A4 accessory provides the extremely valuable 10% sword def down on break along with decent crit bonus. The reason it is classified as A+ tier is because of how useful and powerful sword damage is in CotC.
Dreamer’s Medicine BoxA4600 HP,40 PATK,40 PDEF,15% Axe DMGAt 75% HP or less: Raise Phys. Atk by 15%.  A+  Alfyn’s A4 accessory provides a large amount of HP, but it’s kind of difficult to get 15% axe damage up and 15% physical damage up when below 75% HP. Since Alfyn is usually the healer, it is not so easy to activate this effect on him. The rank of this accessory is definitely A+.
Handmade Picture BookA4600 HP,60 EATK,40 EDEF,15% Wind DMGWhen in backrow: Grant Front Row automatic SP regen (20).  A+  Molrusso’s A4 accessory has 2 use cases: provide HP, wind dmg up and elemental attack for a wind user and make backpack units also heal the SP of the frontrow by more than any Dragon Scarf while still freeing the 2 slots of the frontrow unit. The versatility, stats and backpack unique effect make this item a A+ accessory.
Colzione SealA4600 HP, 40 PATK,40 EATK,15% Wind DMG, 15% Spear DMG  A+  Tressa’s A4 accessory provides a decent amount of elemental and physical attack when compared to other A4s, but it is versatile with 15% spear and wind dmg up. In addition and probably more importantly, it provides a very useful 600 HP. It’s useful on SO MANY units including Odette, Tikilen, and W’ludai.
Medal of the Knights ArdanteA430 PATK,80 EATK,30 SPStart of battle: Impart Self with Elem. Atk. Up 10% (turns: 5). Recover 500 HP per turn.   A+  Eliza’s A4 is the most versatile 500 HP recovery accessory for elemental attackers. It provides a super rare unconditional Elem. Atk buff. A unit with this accessory and Eliza backpacking gives them 30% EATK for 5 turns.
Sunny SandalsA450 PATK,500 HP, 40 SPSurvive an otherwise lethal attack with 1 HP remaining once per battle. At full HP: Reduce own damage taken from some attacks by 25%.  A+  Fiore EX’s A4 provides exceptional survivability to any unit. Best used on a tank/taunt unit.
Red Hat’s GarbA460 PATK,40 EDEF,40 CRIT,15% Dagger DMGStart of battle: lowers Phys. Def of All Foes by 15% for 3 turns.  A+  Nicola’s A4 accessory does not provide HP or speed, but it has decent physical attack and provides the ultra rare passive physical def down at the start of the battle. It is not as powerful as some other A4 accessories that can cap passive def down but still good because it improves the damage of all physical damage teams. It will become more powerful with characters that are able to extend the duration.
Grandport Lord’s CrestA4800 HP, 60 PATKStart of battle: Grant Self HP Barrier (potency: 25% of user’s max HP/ does not stack). At Full HP: Raise own Phys. Atk. by 10%AEltrix’s A4 is a huge HP stat stick and beefs up the survivability of any unit.
Empress’s NecklaceA450 PATK,50 EATK,40 SPDStart of battle: Lower Fan and Wind Res. of All Foes by 15% (turns: 3). Start of turn (excludes first turn): Low chance to lower Phys. Def. and Elem. Def. of all enemies by 10% (turns: 1).ATatloch’s A4 provides decent patk and eatk (50) and some speed (40). In addition to that, it has a small chance to apply the super rare debuff passive pdef and edef down by 10% on all enemies. This is useful to extend and amplify Nicola’s A4 and Varkyn’s A4, though the randomness is not desirable.
Stuffed Toy GiftA4600 HP, 30 PDEF,30 EDEFGrants automatic HP recovery (amount: 500). Start of battle: Raise own max HP by 15% (turns: 5)AMillard EX’s A4 is a huge HP stat stick with regen, perfect for units that need max HP to maintain their passives.
Cleric’s Cloak PinLianna’s Sacred Seal Fragment Exchange200 HP,20 SPLower SP consumption by 20%. Lianna only.ALianna’s exclusive accessory provides her a much needed SP reduction, as her skills are f*ckin expensive. The added HP and SP is a nice touch.
Crest of BreistadtA4400HP,60 PATK,40 EATK,15% Sword DMGRaise own Phys. Atk and Critical by 15% when afflicted with certain status ailments.ALionel’s A4 accessory provides relatively high physical attack and a good amount of HP. Its effect is almost impossible to proc. This would be an A- accessory (or B+)
W’ludai’s SatchelA480 PATK, 60 SPWhen breaking an enemy, lower their Spear Res. by 15% (turns: 3) and recover 500 HP per turn.AW’ludai’s A4 accessory does not provide HP or speed, but it has decent physical attack and provides passive spear def down on break. It is not as powerful as some other A4 accessories that can cap passive def down but still good because it is a passive on-break effect.
Dancer’s ShoesA460 EATK,40 SPD,40 SP,15% Dark DMG,15% Fan DMGAPrimrose’s A4 accessory has the useful 40 speed that helps control turn order and the uncommon effect of 15% dark damage up. Fantastic on any dark damage dealer.
Scarlet Wing Commander’s CrestA4120 PATK,20 CRITStart of battle: Intimidate all enemies (turns: 6). Intimidate: Lower Phys. Def. and Elem. Def. by 5%ATytos’ A4 is made for him, as he is the only unit that relies on Intimidate. It provides a godly amount of PATK.
Royal Ring of GlenbrookA4100 PATK, 40 SPDWhen switching to Front Row: Increase Phys. Atk. by 15% and raise Polearm damage dealt by 15% (turns: 1)ARoland’s A4 is made for him, synergizing well with his switch passive. It provides a fantastic amount of PATK and SPD.
Famous Thief’s LockpickA4400 HP, 40 PATK,60 SPD15% Dagger DMGWhen breaking an enemy, high chance to inflict Paralysis for 3 turnsATherion’s A4 provides good amounts of HP and highest amount of speed from an accessory, which are very handy in most situations. The paralysis on break effect cannot be depended on but it is a nice bonus.
Maiden’s PendantA4100 EATK,40 SPD,10% Lgtning RESGrant automatic revival once per battle (revived at 25% of max HP). (Stacks with battle skills.)AAgnès’ A4 accessory provides a gigantic amount of magic (100) and provides a free revive action. In general, free actions are top tier in turn based games but this one only happens once and drains ultimate and BP from the character, which is why it is not a S tier accessory.
Plant SketchA460 EATK,40 PDEF,40 EDEF,10% Fire RESStart of battle: Lower Ice RES of all enemies by 15% for 3 turns.ASofia’s A4 accessory does not provide HP or speed, but it has decent elemental attack and provides passive ice def down at the start of the battle. It is not as powerful as some other A4 accessories that can cap passive def down but still good because it can be extended by abilities (e.g. Aslyte’s passive ice def down on break)
Indomitable EyepatchA460 PATK, 40 CRIT,40 SPD,15% Spear DMGStart of battle: Lower Spear Res. of all enemies by 15% for 3 turns.AKrauser’s A4 accessory provides good amount of SPD and the rare spear resistance debuff. However, W’ludai’s A4 is better with spear resistance debuffs.
Crest of the Woffort FamilyA4300 HP, 40 PATK, 40 CRITStart of battle: Provoke All Foes and impart Self with Phys. Def. Up 15% (turns: 3)AProvides the rare taunt passive, which was previously only found on Edea’s A4. Amazing specific uses in high level cheese strats to reduce or eliminate early game RNG.
2B’s GogglesA4100 PATK, 40 SPDStart of battle: Raise Phys. 10% (turns: 5). When breaking an enemy, raise BP recovery amount by 1 (turns: 1) (Does not stack with other BP recovery effects)AProvides the largest amount of physical attack out of any accessory. Recovering 1 BP when breaking allows for two max boost in a row for any unit.
Bracers of WrathA460 PATK, 40 CRIT,40 SPD,15% Wind DMG,15% Sword DMGALar’s A4 provides good amount of speed and is useful on any Warrior or Wind user.
Bird StatuetteA4400 HP,60 PATK,40 CRIT,15% Fire DMG,15% Spear DMGADorothea’s A4 provides a good amount of HP and damage boost for fire and spear users.
Covetous Witch MaskA460 PATK,40 CRIT,400 HP,10% Bow DMG,10% Fan DMGStart of battle: High chance to all enemies with bleeding (turns: 3)AHerminia’s A4 passive is unique but not very useful. Many enemies are immune to bleed. The accessory is basically a 400HP stat stick with some extra damage.
Gallant Leather BeltA480 PATK,30 CRIT,30 SPD,15% Ice DMG,15% Bow DMGAKersjes’ A4 is rock solid on any Hunter, providing a high 80 physical attack and 30 speed.
Harlequin’s Secret ToolA460 EATK,40 EDEF,40 SPD,15% Wind DMGStart of battle: Lower Phys. Atk. of all enemies by 15% (turns: 3)AHarley’s A4 offers fantastic amount of SPD and EATK for your wind damage users. The debuff effect is useful
9S’s GogglesA480 EATK, 60 SPD, 30% Lgtning DMGAProvides the highest amounts of SPD and maxes out Lgtning DMG.
Memorial BrushA460 PATK, 40 PDEF,40 EDEF,15% Dagger DMGRecover 500 HP per turn.AFalco’s A4 accessory does not provide any HP or speed, but the HP regen and dagger damage is extremely useful on any Thief and especially useful on Falco himself, to maintain his 15% dagger damage to front row passive.
New King’s CloakA440 PATK, 60 SPD,40 SP,15% Sword DMGRecover 500 HP per turn.ARichard’s A4 is similar to Falco’s but you get SPD. Especially useful on Richard to maintain his front row passive.
Crest of RavusA480 PATK,30 EDEF,30 SP,15% Sword DMGStart of battle: Raise BP recovery amount by 1 (turns: 3). (Does not stack)ARondo’s A4 is unique in that it raises BP recovery amount. However, you’re likely not going to notice any major impact as you won’t be doing much in the first 3 turns of battle.
Large Merchant’s PackA480 PATK,30 PDEF,300 HP,15% Spear DMGStart of battle: Raise BP recovery amount by 1 (turns: 3). (Does not stack)ANona’s A4 is basically the same as Rondo’s, and shares the same issues.
Princess Coin PouchA4400 HP, 60 SPD, 40 SP,15% Fire DMGAt the end of turn: 20% chance to remove from some of own status ailmentsAYuke’s A4 is a decent stat stick.
Blue-Twined Bell TrinketA4400 HP, 100 SPWhen in back row: Raise Phys. Def. of Paired Ally by 15%. Grant automatic SP recovery to Entire Front Row (amount: 5)ARinyuu’s A4 is a decent stat stick and the rare passive of granting entire front row SP regen.
Queen or Edoras’ CapeA440 EATK,60 SPD,400 HPAt 50% HP or less: Raise Phys. Def. by 30%. Raise own HP recovery skill potency by 15% (excludes automatic healing skills).AAlaune’s A4 is a decent health stat stick. It provides a fat chunk of HP and SPD. Great on your tank/taunt units.
Silversand BalmA4400 HP, 40 PATK, 60 SP, 15% Fan and Lgtning DMGATithi’s A4 provides some nice HP and stat stick. Fan damage is still very weak so 15% doesn’t help much.
Bitter RemedyA4400 HP,60 PATK,40 EDEF,15% Axe DMG30% chance to resist some status ailments.ASoleil’s A4… while the HP is nice, the status ailment resistance is low and prone to bad RNG.
Comrade’s KeepsakeA460 PATK,40 EATK,40 CRIT,15% Axe DMGRecover 500 HP per turn.ALumis’s A4 accessory does not provide any HP and speed, but it’s the only 500 HP regen accessory with both PATK and EATK, allowing any unit to use it well.
Mermaid WrapA460 EATK,80 SP,15% Wind DMGStart of battle: Raise own Phys. Atk., Phys. Def., Elem. Atk. and Elem. Def. by 5% (turns: 3)BSofia EX’s A4 is rather weak, and really only useful on herself to collect icons for her passives.
Chromrodian NecklaceA470 PATK,70 SP,15% Sword DMGGrant automatic SP recovery (amount: 20)BSP regen accessory, good for long drawn out battles.
Eastern CarvingA440 PATK, 60 CRIT,40 SP,15% Sword DMG,15% Light DMGBKouren’s A4 is perfect on units like Lars, Kouren, 2B, and A2. The light DMG is kind of a miss, because the accessory does not offer EATK and light cannot crit.
Promoter’s JournalA440 PATK,40 PDEF,60 SP.10% Spear, Axe, Tome DMGBCecily’s A4, perfect for Cecily.
Adventurer’s EmblemDefeat NPC in Hall of Heroes: 3F200 HPRecover 200HP per turn.BBesides providing 200 HP, the item is useful to boost any tank’s regen capabilities as well as provide extra regen to a character that is in the same row as the party healer (and this doesn’t receive heals).
Archer’s QuiverA460 PATK,40 EATK,40 SP,15% Lgtning DMG, 15% Bow DMGBH’aanit’s A4 accessory provides high atk stats, 15% bow and lightning DMG up. It’s versatile to be used on both Bow or Lightning DPS units.
Compelling SpiritA470 PATK, 70 EATK,15% Axe DMGWhen breaking an enemy, have a high chance to inflict bleeding (turns: 3)BHayes’ A4 is a dps stat stick. Bleed is kind of useless and unreliable.
Fragrance of NoblesA440 PATK,100 EATK,15% Bow DMGRaise own HP recovery skill potency by 15% (excludes automatic healing skills)BChloe’s A4 accessory is confusing – Bow DPS relies on PATK but the accessory gives 100 EATK. Can be flexed on a healer unit.
Troubadour’s Head PieceA440 PATK,40 PDEF,60 SPD,15% Fan DMGStart of battle: Grant Self the ability to dodge physical attacks (times: 3) (Stacks with battle skills)BEleonora’s A4 is useful in certain situations where the enemy hits fast and hard early on.
Multitalented Maid’s EyeshadeA440 PATK, 40 EATK,60 SPDWhen in back row: Grant Paired Ally automatic HP recovery (amount: 500). Raise Crit. of Paired Ally by 20%BSlap it on a backrow support.
“King” CardDorothea’s Sacred Seal Fragment Exchange20 PATK,20 PDEF,10% Spear DMGDorothea only.BIt’s a fairly mediocre accessory that doesn’t help Dorothea’s lack of DMG in the first place.
A2 Plug-In ChipNier Automata Fragment Exchange20 PATK, 20 SPRecover 300 HP per turn. A2 only. BProvides A2 the most useful stat for her survival – HP Regen.
Airborne Knight’s RibbonBravely Default Box (Edea)20 PATK, 20 PDEF,10% Sword DMGEdea only.BGood attack, 10% sword dmg up.
Dance Duelist’s WristbandArena Fragments – Glossom150 PATK, 50 CRITGlossom only.BGlossom’s exclusive accessory provides a very high amount of physical attack but no HP or speed.
Scripture of FlameA460 PDEF, 40 EDEF,40 SP,15% Fire DMGGrant automatic SP recovery (amount: 20)BPromme’s A4 is basically a fire DMG and SP regen accessory.
Defensive Speed Belt IIIMemoirs – Vessel to Victory: Act VIII – Launch30 PDEF,30 SPDBThis accessory provides a relatively large amount of speed (30) which is very helpful to control turn order.
Dragon’s Scarf IPath Action in RippletideRecover 6 SP per turn.BSP management is very important in longer fights.
Dragon’s Scarf IIPath Action in FlamesgraceRecover 7 SP per turn.BSP management is very important in longer fights.
Dragon’s Scarf IIIPath Action in Victors HollowRecover 8 SP per turn.BSP management is very important in longer fights.
Dragon’s Scarf IVPath Action in DonescuRecover 9 SP per turn.BSP management is very important in longer fights.
Dragon’s Scarf VPath Action in Grandport MarketsRecover 10 SP per turn.BSP management is very important in longer fights.
Kitty CapePath Action in Isle of the Cats30 SPDStart of battle: reduce own damage taken from some attacks by 50% once.BGives a great amount of speed and the passive is great at tanking certain boss nukes.
Ebony Dragon’s ScarfDefeat the Dragon in Bonfires of Battle, then revisit the entrance and open the chest.40 SPRecover 6 SP per turn.BSP management is very important in longer fights.
Elite Thief’s EmblemDefeat Trinovo in the Ri’tu CupBThe 15% dagger damage up is difficult to obtain outside of A4 accessories and useful for thieves.
Empowering BanglePath Action in Shepherd’s Rock200 HPBHP accessories are great in non-damage units.
Empowering PendantPath Action in Donescu250 HPBHP accessories are great in non-damage units.
Energy Belt IIPath Action in Donescu200 HP,20 SPBHP accessories are great in non-damage units.
Energy Belt IIIMemoirs – Valore Besieged: Act VIII – The Bell Tolls300 HP,30 SPBHP accessories are great in non-damage units.
Hornburgian Knight’s CrestA480 PATK,60 PDEFRaise DMG dealt to broken foes by 10%. Recover 500 HP per turn. BOlberic’s A4 provides great amount of healing on a physical DPS unit. Excellent for units that have passives locked behind full HP.
Flower BookmarkA4400 HP, 40 EATK, 60 SP,15% Light DMG30% chance of resisting some status ailments.BOphilia’s A4 provides a good amount of HP and light damage boost. The status ailment resistance is a small bonus.
Evening Calm Training KitA460 PATK, 40 EATK, 40 CRIT, 15% Bow DMGWhen breaking an enemy, high chance to inflict paralysis.BYunnie’s A4 provides a moderate boost to PATK and the 15% Bow DMG is nice but many of our top BOW DPS units already have their DMG passive maxed. The paralysis is not guaranteed, and requires the holder to be the one breaking.
Pod 153Nier Automata Fragment Exchange20 EATK, 20 SPD, 10% Spear DMG9S only.BSpeed is a useful stat to control turn order.
Father’s Memorial VambraceA460 PATK,40 PDEF,40 EDEF,10% Sword DMG, 10% Dark RES,10% Light RESBFiore’s A4 accessory is among the least powerful ones. It provides only 10% sword damage up and has no HP or speed effects.
Late Mother’s ShoesA460 EATK,40 PDEF,40 EDEF,15% Fire DMG,10% Ice RESBLynette’s A4 accessory is only slightly better than a Fire Rune would be, and only because the elemental attack is relatively high at 60. No speed or HP make this item much less useful.
Master Apothecary’s ArmletArena Fragments – Gertrude20 PATK,20 SPD,10% Axe DMGFull HP: Axe Damage by 10%, Gertrude only.BGertrude’s exclusive accessory is a nice fit for her with the extra speed and the axe damage up, even conditional. The speed alone would be useful.
Mercenary’s BarretteArena Fragments – Tikilen150 EATKTikilen only.BTikilen’s exclusive accessory provides great amounts of magic. However, warriors are not very good at elemental damage for now.
Mighty Mercenary’s MufflerA4100 PATK,40 SPExtend duration of some inflicted status ailments by 1 turn (does not stack).BAdelle’s A4 accessory provides enormous amounts of physical attack. However, that is basically its only effect since inflicting and/or extending status ailments is not particularly useful at this time. Some units like Jillmeila may find it more useful.
Minotaur Scarf IIExchange Shop150 HPRecover 150 HP per turn.BHP accessories are great in non-damage units.
Pollonia’s Medicine BoxA440 PATK,40 PDEF,40 EDEF,15% Axe DMG,10% Wind RESBTheo’s A4 accessory is not much more useful than an apothecary’s emblem but it is rated higher because it provides some moderate amount of physical attack up.
Professor’s InsigniaA460 EATK,40 PDEF,40 SP,10% Fire, Ice, Lgtning DMGBCyrus’s A4 accessory could be replaced by the appropriate Rune II’s without almost any loss. His A4 accessory is more like a quality of life tool to not have to swap runes on Cyrus.
Senior Butler’s White GlovesA440 CRIT,40 SPD,60 SP,15% Wind DMG,15% Dagger DMGBHeathcote’s A4 accessory has a useful speed bonus and can fill in the roles of wind rune III and thief emblem. It is a B+ accessory
Sleep Ward IDefeat Lv 100 NPC in Flamesgrace200 HP25% chance of resisting sleep.BHP accessories are great in non-damage units.
Spirit Scarf IExchange for Gold Guidestone Shards and Path Action in Cathedral of TytosRecover 100 HP and 6 SP per turn.BSP management is very important in longer fights.
Wind Maiden’s HairbandBravely Default Box (Agnès)200 HP,20 SPDRecover 10 SP per turn. Agnès Only.BAgnès’s exclusive accessory provides the useful speed and HP bonuses, as well as some SP regen. A B+ accessory
Festive Winter ScarfPaid Christmas Package50 EATK, 10 SPDRecover 5 SP per turn.BThis whale accessory provides SP regen and useful stats.
Wiswald ScarfA450 PATK,50 EATK, 40 CRIT15% Tome DMG,10% Wind RESBElvis’s A4 accessory is not particularly useful considering that tome damage up is not relevant. This is a B- accessory and only because it provides relatively high values of elemental and physical attack.
Pure White CapeA440 PATK,40 EATK,60 SP,15% Ice DMGRaise own HP recovery skill potency by 15% (no regen).BLianna’s A4 is one of the only accessory that can boost healing potency. Useful on any burst healer… Millard, Ophilia, Cardona, Soleil and
Tailor’s Measuring TapeA420 EATK,20 PDEF,100 SP,15% Ice DMG,15% Spear DMGBCardona’s A4 accessory has great SP bonus (100) but otherwise is either a Merchant Emblem or an Ice Rune III (15% dmg up). Great on your SP hungry units.
Worn-down QuillOdette’s Sacred Seal Fragment Exchange20 EATK,20 SPDRecover 10 SP per turn. Odette only.BOdette’s exclusive accessory provides speed/SP regen, which are useful to control turn order and in longer battles.
Evening Calm CrestArena Fragments – Yunnie.Raise DMG dealt by 10%. Lower SP consumption by 30% (does not stack).BSolid accessory on Yunnie to reduce her expensive SP costs.
Pod 042Nier Automata Fragment Exchange200 HP, 20 PATKGrant automatic SP recovery (amount: 10). 2B only.CProvides useful SP recovery in long battles.
Pendant of ResolveTithi’s Sacred Seal Fragment Exchange20 EATK, 20 SP, 10% Lgtning DMGTithi only.CIs basically Lightning Rune II
Serpentine CameoA440 PDEF,40 EDEF,60 SP,15% Dagger DMG, 10% Ice RESCViola’s A4 is just a SP stat stick with 15% dagger DMG.
Executioner’s GlovesA460 PATK,60 EATK,20 SPWhen breaking an enemy, have a high chance to inflict bleeding (turns: 6)CJillmeila’s A4 accessory’s effect is hard to use, as many end-game bosses are immune or are resistant to Bleed.
Agility BanglePath Action in Cragspear20 SPDCSpeed is a useful stat to control turn order.
Beastly Scarf IIIPath Action in Victors HollowRecover 200 HP per turn,CUseful on units that need to have full HP to unlock a certain passive.
Beastly Scarf IVPath Action in DonescuRecover 250 HP per turn,CUseful on units that need to have full HP to unlock a certain passive.
Beastly Scarf VPath Action in SufrataljahRecover 300 HP per turn,CUseful on units that need to have full HP to unlock a certain passive.
Bribe BagA440 PATK,60 EATK,40 PDEFRaise Elem. Atk of Self by 15% when bleeding enemy is present. Extend duration of some inflicted status ailments by 1 turn. (Does not stack).CStead’s A4 accessory does not provide any of the most useful stats (HP and speed) and activating its effect requires a lot of setup, in which case it is a powerful accessory.
Critical Speed Belt IIPath Action in Cathedral of Tytos20 CRIT,20 SPDCSpeed is a useful stat to control turn order.
Elite Dancer’s EmblemDefeat Dulce in the Glossom Cup15% Fan DMGCIf an enemy is weak to fan and the roster has no other options, this might see some niche use. Closer to C+.
Elite Apothecary’s EmblemGertrude Cup15% Axe DMGCCloser to a C+.
Dark Rune IIExchange10% Dark DMGC
Fire Rune IIExchange10% Fire DMGC
Ice Rune IIExchange10% Ice DMGC
Light Rune IIExchange10% Light DMGC
Lightning Rune IIIExchange10% Lgtning DMGC
Genuine ScalesGilderoy100 PDEF,40 EDEF,15% Spear DMG,10% Wind RESCGilderoy’s A4 accessory is among the least useful, providing utility not much better than a Merchant’s Emblem (15% polearm dmg up), along with no speed or HP.
Magical Speed Belt IIPath Action in Cathedral of Tytos20 EATK,20 SPDCSpeed is a useful stat to control turn order.
Powerful Speed Belt IIChest in Misty Falls near Donescu20 PATK, 20 SPDCSpeed is a useful stat to control turn order.
Skilled Apothecary’s EmblemPath Action in Donescu10% Axe DMGC
Tactician’s CloakArena Fragments – VarkynAt 50% SP or less: Lower SP consumption by 20% and 10% chance to attack twice when using an elemental skill. (The follow-up attack will not consume SP.) Varkyn only. CVarkyn’s exclusive accessory reduces SP costs but also makes him randomly double cast spells, which can help deal with otherwise impossible content but also (more frequently) mess up with break turns.
Tattered SachetScarecrow40 PATK,100 CRITRaise Critical by 30% when a Broken enemy is present. Raise lightning resistance by 10%.CScarecrow’s A4 accessory increases crit stats. However, crits are not reliable enough to make this item good. You’ll find moderate success with this accessory on Lars.
Famous Thief’s Emblem IIIExchange – Fragment of Greed and Lv 90 Auguste Random Drop40 SP,10% Dagger DMGEXP bonus 20%. Effect limit: 50%.CA slightly better Thief Emblem.
Mighty Warrior’s Emblem IIIExchange – Fragment of Greed and Lv 90 Tytos Random Drop20 PATK,10% Sword DMG20% chance of a follow-up strike when using Attack.CA slightly better Warrior Emblem.
Wealthy Hunter’s Emblem IIIExchange – Fragment of Greed and Lv 90 Herminia Random Drop20 CRIT,10 Bow DMGLeaves bonus 20%. Effect limit: 50%.CA slightly better Hunter Emblem.
Wayfarer’s ShoesBravely Default Box (Adelle)20 PATK,20 SP,10% Dagger DMGAdelle Only. CAdelle’s exclusive accessory is a slightly better Thief Emblem
Wind Rune IIExchange10% Wind DMGC
Wind Rune IIIDefeat Thurston in Tikilen Cup15% Wind DMGC
Winged CapeArena Fragments – Ri’tu20 PATK, 20 CRITRecover 500 HP per turn. Ri’tu only.CRi’tu’s exclusive accessory provides good healing but no HP or speed.
Ritual EquipmentA440 EATK, 40 PDEF,60 EDEF,15% Staff DMG,10% Dark RESCMillard’s A4 accessory does not provide any utility besides a mild increase in elemental attack. The 15% staff damage up could be nice if staff damage was useful. In the near future, we’ll have physical staff DPS like Yan Long.
Agility CuffsPath Action in Rippletide10 SPDD
Agility EarringPath Action in Valore5 SPDD
Alluring Barrette IPath Action in ValoreRaise enemy encounter rate 25%. Does not stack.D
Antidote Charm IPath Action in Flamesgrace50% chance of resisting poison.D
Apothecary’s EmblemPath Action in Clearbrook5% Axe DMGD
Articulate Charm IPath Action in Theatropolis and Donescu50% chance of resisting silence.D
Axe Ward Charm (30%)Gertrude Cup Pack30% Axe RESD
Beastly Scarf IPath Action in RippletideRecover 100 HP per turn.D
Beastly Scarf IIPath Action in FlamesgraceRecover 150 HP per turn.D
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Misty Falls

Full Misty Falls Map for Octopath Traveler: Champions of the...