This table contains head and body armor details of Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent.

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Gear LvNameTypePDEFEDEFSPSPDCritProduction Material
1Hide HoodHeadHood13Purchased at Blacksmith.
2Linen HoodHeadHood25Linen Grass x1
7Bark HoodHeadHood37Maple Log x1
9Fur HoodHeadHood511Beast Hide x1
12Goat HoodHeadHood613Mohair x1, Lauan Log x1
14Light HoodHeadHood716Pearl Grass x1, Laual Log x1
18Big HoodHeadHood817Thick Cloth x1, Oak Log x1
20Fleece HoodHeadHood920Wool x1, Olive Log x1
21Ferocious HoodHeadHood1126Wildbeast Fur x2, Blackwood Log x1
25Crescent HoodHeadHood1229Crescent Grass x2, Alder Log x1
27White HoodHeadHood1434Pure White Fur x2, Mahogany Log x1
30Rainbow HoodHeadHood1536Rainbow Fur x2, Cherry Log x1
35Enchanted HoodHeadHood1841Ancient Beast Hide x2, Sequoia Log x1
40Arcane Beast HoodHeadHood2149Arcane Beast Fur x3, Birch Log x1
45Shiny HoodHeadHood2354Shiny Leather x3, Elm Log x1
49Priestly HoodHeadHood2558Sacred Flamegrass x3, Ebony Log x1, Obsidian x1
51Wizard's HoodHeadHood3376Wisdomweed x3, Sephirot Branch x1, Bright Crystal x1
55Wyvern HoodHeadHood3582Wyvern Fur x3, Wisdom Branch x2, Shiny Sturdy Horn x1
60Comet HoodHeadHood3888Starfall Grass x4, Log of Life x2, Dragonbone Shard x1
60Midnight Sun HoodHeadHood4092Frigid Stalk x4, Flame Log x3, Rare Lizard Claw x2
60Hollow HellhoodHeadHood62134
61Eclipse HoodHeadHood4296Eclipse Grass x4, Ancient Tree Branch x3, Old Wolf's Fang x2
62Tyrannical HoodHeadHood44100Imperial Frogskin x4, Log of Donescu x3, Imperial Frog Femur x2
63Magic Wolf HoodHeadHood46104Direwolf Fur x5, Ice Tree Branch x4, Rare Lizard Bone x3
64Twilight HoodHeadHood48108Lush Grass x5, Sandtear Baobab x4, Silversand Ant Leg x3
65Triton's HoodHeadHood50112Whaleking Hide x5, Deep Sea Log x4, Whaleking Bone x3
66Eden HoodHeadHood52116Plume of Eden x6, Kingtree Sprout x5, Steel Beast Horn x4
67Ma'dan HoodHeadHood54120Abyssal Beast Leather x6, Abyssal Tree Root x5, Abyssal Beast Horn x4
68Elder Tree HoodHeadHood56124Silversand Bug Hide x6, Elder Tree Root x5, Silversand Bug Claw x4
69Dueler's HoodHeadHood58128Gold Crystal x7, Warring Clan Cloth x6, Black Panther Fang x5
70Purgatory HoodHeadHood60132
1Hide CapHeadCap22Purchased at Blacksmith.
2Beast CapHeadCap44Beast Tusk x1
7Bone CapHeadCap55Beast Bone x1
9Wild CapHeadCap88Large Fang x1
12Savage CapHeadCap99Sharp Claw x1, Scaleiron Ore x1
14Direwolf CapHeadCap1212Beast Skull x1, Hematite x1
18Silver CapHeadCap1313Shard Bone x1, Silver Ore x1
20Claw CapHeadCap1414Sharp Talon x1, Spinel Stone x1
20Stamp CapHeadCap1919Purchase in Exchange Shop.
20Chomper CapHeadCap282810Hero Beast Claw x3, Hero Beast Hide x3
21Battle CapHeadCap1818Giant Beast Tusk x2, Mottled Stone x1
25Black CapHeadCap2020Black Horn x2, Heavy Iron Ore x1
27Horned CapHeadCap2424Crystal Horn x2, White Crystal x1
30Bird CapHeadCap2626Avian Bone x2, Mirrorstone x1
35Blackwolf CapHeadCap3030Blackwolf Claw x2, Chalcopyrite x1
35Huge Chomper CapHeadCap373720Hero Beast Bone x7, Hero Beast Thick Hide x5, Hero Polishstone x1
35Gray Stamp CapHeadCap282810% for 3 turnsCrystal of Remembrance x1, Legendary Ashes (Snow) x1, Legendary Ashes (Forest) x1
40Arcane Beast CapHeadCap3535Arcane Beast Claw x3, Guardian Stone x1
45Imperial CapHeadCap3939Twisted Horns x3, Alexandrite x1
45Silver Stamp CapHeadCap373710% for 3 turnsCrystal of Remembrance x3, Legendary Ashes (Plains) x1, Legendary Ashes (Sea) x1
49Obsidian CapHeadCap4242Ebony Horn x3, Obsidian x1, Ebony Log x1
50King Chomper CapHeadCap606030Hero Beast Sturdy Bone x20, Hero Refinestone x2, Hero Softenstone x2
51Crystal CapHeadCap5454Giant Beast Femur x3, Bright Crystal x1, Sephirot Branch x1
55Rune CapHeadCap5858Shiny Sturdy Horn x3, Sunstone x2, Wisdom Branch x1
60Gold Stamp CapHeadCap626210% for 3 turnsCrystal of Remembrance x4, Legendary Ashes (Cliff) x2, Legendary Ashes (River) x2
60Gray Ballen CapHeadCap868615% for 3 turns
60Silver Ballen CapHeadCap929215% for 3 turns
60Meteorite CapHeadCap6363Dragonbone Shard x4, Meteorite x2, Log of Life x1
60Innocent CapHeadCap6666Rare Lizard Claw x4, Whiteice Crystal x3, Flame Log x2
60Ballen CapHeadCap838315% for 3 turnsCrystal of Remembrance x4, Legendary Ashes II (River) x1
60Hollow HellcapHeadCap9898
60Gold Ballen CapHeadCap989815% for 3 turns
61Fenrir CapHeadCap6969Old Wolf's Fang x4, Old Wolfstone x3, Ancient Tree Branch x2
62Tyrannical CapHeadCap7272Imperial Frog Femur x4, Monarch's Crystal x3, Log of Donescu x2
63Sacred CapHeadCap7575Rare Lizard Bone x5, Holy Stone x4, Ice Tree Branch x3
64Twilight CapHeadCap7878Silversand Ant Leg x5, Silversand Nugget x4, Sandtear Baobab x3
65Adamantine CapHeadCap8181Whaleking Bone x5, Adamantite x4, Deep Sea Log x3
66Atlas CapHeadCap8484Steel Beast Horn x6, Atlas Ore x5, Kingtree Sprout x4
67Ma'dan HatHeadCap8787
68Origin CapHeadCap9090
69Berserk CapHeadCap9393Black Panther Fang x7, Gold Crystal x6, Reaper Tree Branch x5
70Inferno CapHeadCap9696
1Leather HelmHeadHelm31Purchased at Blacksmith.
2Bronze HelmHeadHelm52Copper Ore x1
7Sturdy HelmHeadHelm73Shiny Stone x1
9Quartz HelmHeadHelm115Crystal x1
12Scale HelmHeadHelm136Scaleiron Ore x1, Moahir x1
14Soldier's HelmHeadHelm167Hematite x1, Pearl Grass x1
18Silver HelmHeadHelm178Silver Ore x1, Thick Cloth x1
20Sharp HelmHeadHelm209Spinel Stone x1, Wool x1
21Tiger HelmHeadHelm2611Mottled Stone x2, Wildbeast Fur x1
25Grand HelmHeadHelm2912Heavy Iron Ore x2, Crescent Grass x1
27Coesite HelmHeadHelm3414White Crystal x2, Pure White Fur x1
30Mirage HelmHeadHelm3615Mirrorstone x2, Rainbow Fur x1
35Strong HelmHeadHelm4118Chalcopyrite x2, Ancient Beast Hide x1
40Guardian HelmHeadHelm4921Guardian Stone x3, Arcane Beast Fur x1
45Imperial HelmHeadHelm5423Alexandrite x3, Shiny Leather x1
49Obsidian HelmHeadHelm5825Obsidian x3, Sacred Flamegrass x1, Ebony Horn x1
51Crystal HelmHeadHelm7633Bright Crystal x3, Wisdomweed x1, Giant Beast Femur x1
55Rune HelmHeadHelm8235Sunstone x3, Wyvern Fur x2, Shiny Sturdy Horn x1
60Meteorite HelmHeadHelm8838Meteorite x4, Starfall Grass x2, Dragonbone Shard x1
60Innocent HelmHeadHelm9240Whiteice Crystal x4, Frigid Stalk x3, Rare Lizard Claw x2
60Hollow HellhelmHeadHelm13462
61Fenrir HelmHeadHelm9642Old wolfstone x4, Eclipse Grass x3, Old Wolf's Fang x2
62Tyrannical HelmHeadHelm10044Monarch's Crystal x4, Imperial Frogskin x3, Imperial Frog Femur x2
63Sacred HelmHeadHelm10446Holy Stone x5, Direwolf Fur x4, Rare Lizard Bone x3
64Twilight HelmHeadHelm10848Silversand Nugget x5, Lush Grass x4, Silversand Ant Leg x3
65Adamantine HelmHeadHelm11250Adamantite x5, Whaleking Hide x4, Whaleking Bone x3
66Atlas HelmHeadHelm11652Atlas Ore x6, Plume of Eden x5, Steel Beast Horn x4
67Ma'dan HelmHeadHelm12054
68Origin HelmHeadHelm12456
69Berserk HelmHeadHelm12858Gold Crystal x7, Warring Clan Cloth x6, Black Panther Fang x5
70Inferno HelmHeadHelm13260
1Hide RobeBodyRobe25Purchased at Blacksmith.
2Linen RobeBodyRobe38Linen Grass x1
7Cotton RobeBodyRobe511Cotton Grass x1
9Fur RobeBodyRobe716Beast Hide x1
12Goat RobeBodyRobe819Mohair x1, Lauan Log x1
14Light RobeBodyRobe1024Pearl Grass x1, Laual Log x1
18Big RobeBodyRobe1126Thick Cloth x1, Oak Log x1
20Fleece RobeBodyRobe1330Wool x2, Olive Log x1
21Ferocious RobeBodyRobe1739Wildbeast Fur x2, Blackwood Log x1
25Crescent RobeBodyRobe1843Crescent Grass x2, Alder Log x1
27White RobeBodyRobe2250Pure White Fur x2, Mahogany Log x1
30Rainbow RobeBodyRobe2354Rainbow Fur x2, Cherry Log x1
35Enchanted RobeBodyRobe2762Ancient Beast Hide x3, Sequoia Log x1
40Arcane RobeBodyRobe3173Arcane Beast Fur x3, Birch Log x1
45Shiny RobeBodyRobe3581Shiny Leather x3, Elm Log x1, Alexandrite x1
49Priestly RobeBodyRobe3787Sacred Flamegrass x3, Ebony Log x1, Obsidian x1
51Wizard's RobeBodyRobe49114Wisdomweed x3, Sephirot Branch x2, Bright Crystal x1
55Wyvern RobeBodyRobe53123Wyvern Fur x4, Wisdom Branch x2, Shiny Sturdy Horn x1
60Comet RobeBodyRobe57132Starfall Grass x4, Log of Life x3, Dragonbone Shard x1
60Midnight Sun RobeBodyRobe60137Frigid Stalk x6, Flame Log x4, Rare Lizard Claw x2
60Hollow HellrobeBodyRobe90194
61Eclipse RobeBodyRobe63142Eclipse Grass x6, Ancient Tree Branch x4, Old Wolf's Fang x2
62Tyrannical RobeBodyRobe66147Imperial Frogskin x6, Log of Donescu x4, Imperial Frog Femur x2
63Magic Wolf RobeBodyRobe69152Direwolf Fur x7, Ice Tree Branch x5, Rare Lizard Bone x3
64Twilight RobeBodyRobe72157Lush Grass x7, Sandtear Baobab x5, Silversand Ant Leg x3
65Triton's RobeBodyRobe75162Whaleking Hide x7, Deep Sea Log x5, Whaleking Bone x3
66Eden RobeBodyRobe78167Plume of Eden x8, Kingtree Sprout x6, Steel Beast Horn x4
67Ma'dan RobeBodyRobe81172
68Elder Tree RobeBodyRobe84177
69Dueler's RobeBodyRobe87182
70Purgatory RobeBodyRobe90187
1Hide VestBodyVest44Purchased at Blacksmith.
2Beast VestBodyVest55Beast Tusk x1
7Bone VestBodyVest88Beast Bone x1
9Wild VestBodyVest1111Large Fang x1
12Savage VestBodyVest1414Sharp Claw x1, Scaleiron Ore x1
14Direwolf VestBodyVest1717Beast Skull x1, Hematite x1
18Silver VestBodyVest1919Sharp Bone x1, Silver Ore x1
20Claw VestBodyVest2222Sharp Talon x2, Spinel Stone x1
20Stamp VestBodyVest3030Purchase in Exchange Shop.
20Chomper VestBodyVest414115Hero Beast Claw x3, Hero Beast Hide x3
21Battle VestBodyVest2828Giant Beast Tusk x2, Mottled Stone x1
25Black VestBodyVest3131Black Horn x2, Heavy Iron Ore x1
27Spiked VestBodyVest3636Crystal Horn x2, White Crystal x1
30Bird VestBodyVest3838Avian Bone x2, Mirrorstone x1
35Blackwolf VestBodyVest4444Blackwolf Claw x3, Chalcopyrite x1
35Huge Chomper VestBodyVest555523Hero Beast Bone x5, Hero Beast Thick Hide x5, Hero Polishstone x1
35Gray Stamp VestBodyVest404010% for 3 turns.Crystal of Remembrance x1, Legendary Ashes (Snow) x2, Legendary Ashes (Forest) x2
40Arcane VestBodyVest5252Arcane Beast Claw x3, Guardian Stone x1
45Imperial VestBodyVest5858Twisted Horns x3, Alexandrite x1, Elm Log x1
45Silver Stamp VestBodyVest545410% for 3 turns.Crystal of Remembrance x3, Legendary Ashes (Plains) x2, Legendary Ashes (Sea) x2
49Obsidian VestBodyVest6262Ebony Horn x3, Obsidian x1, Ebony Log x1
50King Chomper VestBodyVest909038Hero Beast Sturdy Hide x20, Hero Refinestone x2, Hero Strengthstone x2
51Crystal VestBodyVest8282Giant Beast Femur x3, Bright Crystal x2, Sephirot Branch x1
55Rune VestBodyVest8888Shiny Sturdy Horn x4, Sunstone x2, Wisdom Branch x1
60Gold Stamp VestBodyVest949410% for 3 turns.Crystal of Remembrance x4, Legendary Ashes (Desert) x2, Legendary Ashes (Mount) x2
60Gray Ballen VestBodyVest12512515% for 3 turns
60Silver Ballen VestBodyVest13313315% for 3 turns
60Meteorite VestBodyVest9494Dragonbone Shard x4, Meteorite x3, Log of Life x1
60Innocent VestBodyVest9898Rare Lizard Claw x6, Whiteice Crystal x4, Flame Log x2
60Ballen VestBodyVest12112115% for 3 turnsCrystal of Remembrance x4, Legendary Ashes II (River) x1
60Gold Ballen VestBodyVest14114115% for 3 turns
60Hollow HellvestBodyVest142142
61Fenrir VestBodyVest102102Old Wolf's Fang x6, Old Wolfstone x4, Ancient Tree Branch x2
62Tyrannical VestBodyVest106106Imperial Frog Femur x6, Monarch's Crystal x4, Log of Donescu x2
63Sacred VestBodyVest110110Rare Lizard Bone x7, Holy Stone x5, Ice Tree Branch x3
64Twilight VestBodyVest114114Silversand Ant Leg x7, Silversand Nugget x5, Sandtear Baobab x3
65Adamantine VestBodyVest118118Whaleking Bone x7, Adamantite x5, Deep Sea Log x3
66Atlas Vest BodyVest122122Steel Beast Horn x8, Atlas Ore x6, Kingtree Sprout x4
67Ma'dan GarbBodyVest126126
68Origin VestBodyVest130130
69Berserk VestBodyVest134134Black Panther Fang x9, Gold Crystal x7, Reaper Tree Branch x5
70Inferno VestBodyVest138138
1Leather ArmorBodyArmor52Purchased at Blacksmith.
2Bronze ArmorBodyArmor83Copper Ore x1
7Sturdy ArmorBodyArmor115Shiny Stone x1
9Quartz ArmorBodyArmor167Crystal x1
12Scale MailBodyArmor198Scaleiron Ore x1, Moahir x1
14Soldier's ArmorBodyArmor2410Hematite x1, Pearl Grass x1
18Silver ArmorBodyArmor2611Silver Ore x1, Thick Cloth x1
20Sharp ArmorBodyArmor3013Spinel Stone x2, Wool x1
21Tiger ArmorBodyArmor3917Mottled Stone x2, Wildbeast Fur x1
25Grand ArmorBodyArmor4318Heavy Iron Ore x2, Crescent Grass x1
27Coesite ArmorBodyArmor5022White Crystal x2, Pure White Fur x1
30Mirage ArmorBodyArmor5423Mirrorstone x2, Rainbow Fur x1
35Strong ArmorBodyArmor6227Chalcopyrite x3, Ancient Beast Hide x1
40Guardian ArmorBodyArmor7331Guardian Stone x3, Arcane Beast Fur x1
45Imperial ArmorBodyArmor8135Alexandrite x3, Shiny Leather x1, Twisted Horns x1
49Obsidian ArmorBodyArmor8737Obsidian x3, Scred Flamegrass x1, Ebony Horn x1
51Crystal ArmorBodyArmor11449Bright Crystal x3, Wisdomweed x2, Giant Beast Femur x1
55Rune ArmorBodyArmor12353Sunstone x4, Wyvern Fur x2, Shiny Sturdy Horn x1
60Meteorite ArmorBodyArmor13257Meteorite x4, Starfall Grass x3, Dragonbone Shard x1
60Innocent ArmorBodyArmor13760Whiteice Crystal x6, Frigid Stalk x4, Rare Lizard Claw x2
60Hollow HellarmorBodyArmor19490
61Fenrir ArmorBodyArmor14263Old Wolfstone x6, Eclipse Grass x4, Old Wolf's Fang x2
62Tyrannical ArmorBodyArmor14766Monarch's Crystal x6, Imperial Frogskin x4, Imperial Frog Femur x2
63Sacred ArmorBodyArmor15269Holy Stone x7, Direwolf Fur x5, Rare Lizard Bone x3
64Twilight ArmorBodyArmor15772Silversand Nugget x7, Lush Grass x5, Silversand Ant Leg x3
65Adamantine ArmorBodyArmor16275Adamantite x7, Whaleking Hide x5, Whaleking Bone x3
66Atlas ArmorBodyArmor16778Atlas Ore x8, Plume of Eden x6, Steel Beast Horn x4
67Ma'dan ArmorBodyArmor17281
68Origin ArmorBodyArmor17784
69Berserk ArmorBodyArmor18287Gold Crystal x9, Warring Clan Cloth x7, Black Panther Fang x5
70Inferno ArmorBodyArmor18790

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