All Top Tier Weapon Series Compared

Let’s compare and contrast the current top tier weapons in Octopath: COTC.

What is grade? It’s a value used in the damage formula. Higher grade = higher damage.

A weapon’s grade is more important than it’s raw stats. 

Click here to view the individual stat of any weapon.

NameLvGradeSpecial EffectsMeow Notes
Brave Sword (III)503.2At the start of battle: Raise Phys. Atk by 15% for 3 turns.Best low level Sword. Powercrept by Lv 60+ series weapons.
Brave Lance (III)503.2At the end of a turn: 20% chance to recover from some of own status ailments.Not very useful.
Brave Dagger (III)503.2Raise own damage by 20% when enemy with certain status ailments is present.Situationally useful for Bleed teams.
Brave Axe (III)503.250% chance of resisting sleep and paralysis.Situationally useful against enemies like the BT Bow NPC that loves spamming paralysis.
Brave Bow (III)503.250% chance of resisting blindness. Start of battle: Raise Critical by 20% for 5 turns.Situationally useful against enemies that spam Blind.
Brave Staff (III)503.230% chance to recover 30% of damage taken when hit. Does not stack with effects of the same type.Unless they release a tanky Staff user, I don’t find this too useful.
E’s Journal (III)503.2Absorb 1% of damage dealt as SP when using Attack.Triggers once even during a Boost.Situationally useful if SP ever becomes an issue.
Brave Fan (III)503.2Extend duration of augmenting effect granted by self by 1 turn (does not stack).Best weapon for Dancers that play a supporting role. Lynette, Glossom, Hasumi, Iris, and Meena.
Ballen Weapon+ (II)604.1Start of battle: 50% chance to recover 1 BP for 1 turn. EXP +14%.Best for farming EXP and Caits. Ballen Weapons powercreep Stamp Weapons.
Battle-tested Weapon603.7
Drops from BT NPC and purchase in Shop. Is an ingredient for other weapons.
Innocent Weapon (IV)603.8Powercrept by Hell/Fortune weapons. Specializes in EATK.
Fenrir Weapon (IV)613.8Powercrept by Hell/Fortune weapons. Specializes in PATK.
Tyrannical Weapon (IV)623.9Powercrept by Hell/Fortune weapons. Specializes in CRIT.
Sacred Weapon (IV)634.0Powercrept by Hell/Fortune weapons. Specializes in SP.
Twilight Weapon (IV)644.1Powercrept by Hell/Fortune weapons. Specializes in HP.
Adamant Weapon (IV)654.2Powercrept by Hell/Fortune weapons. Specializes in PATK.
Atlas Weapon (IV)664.3Powercrept by Hell/Fortune weapons. Specializes in EATK.
Ma’Dan Weapon (IV)674.4Powercrept by Hell/Fortune weapons. Specializes in CRIT.
Origin Weapon (IV)684.5Powercrept by Hell/Fortune weapons. Specializes in HP.
Berserk Weapon (IV)694.6Powercrept by Hell/Fortune weapons.
Inferno Weapon (IV)704.7Powercrept by Hell/Fortune weapons.
Feintz’s Beloved Blade (IV)604.8Trigger a follow-up strike when using Attack. *Effects do not stack. Triggers once even during a Boost.Super strong sword weapon in and out of Arena. May be less optimal than certain Hell/Fortune Swords, depending on soul implants.
Hollow Weapon (III)604.8Decent DPS hell weapon series.
Ruinous Weapon (III)604.8Don’t build this hell weapon unless you need HP.
Thorned Weapon (III)604.8Better DPS hell weapon series.
Dire Weapon (III)604.8Don’t build this hell weapon.
Stalwart Weapon (III)604.8Best weapon for units that reach damage cap easily. Can break damage cap with the right souls.
Abyssal Weapon (III)604.8Best DPS weapon in hell with the right souls.
Fortune Weapon (II)604.8BIS weapon for world of the living enemies, and for support/healers.
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