The Cleric Job Tower is a recurring Tower that resets every 4 weeks.
All job towers open for 3 weeks, and close for 1 week. The job shop also opens for 4 weeks and resets with Tower.
Rewards (Fragments) earned from clearing job floors do not carry over after a reset; use it or lose it.
How to Unlock Job Tower #
You must clear at least Chapter 1 of Master of All. Then clear Kota’s quest to unlock the Tower in the Nameless Town.
Available Units #

Enemy Overview #
There are 5 normal floors and 5 EX floors.
There is a single enemy on each floor, 3 enemies on the 4th floor and 2 enemies on the 5th floor.
Enemy Weakness Cheat Sheet #

The most common and important elements are Fire, Light, Dark.
EX 5 Floor Guide (Lv 100) #
This section is written by Wigglytuff from the Octopath discord.
This one looks to be annoying, especially if you don’t have some Gacha 5 star clerics, but still manageable.
This fight has 2 phases that it swaps between after each break.
Phase 1: 40 shields
- The Trial Cleric gets 2 actions a turn.
- The first one is some sort of physical RT attack that either steals BP from whoever it hits, or applies Bleed.
- The second is an AOE physical attack that has row swap.
- Your characters must outspeed the row swap, or they simply won’t be able to do anything. The speed you need to hit is 288 or higher.
- If coming out of break, the first action will be used to switch to Phase 1 form, second will be the row swap.
Phase 2: 15 shields
- Still has 2 actions a turn, but loses the Staff weakness.
- The first is some sort of AOE magical attack.
- The dark one has a chance to apply Silence. The light one steals SP. Game8 says that there are some that inflict debuffs as well.
- The second action is just a heal on himself.
- If coming out of break, the first action will be used to switch to Phase 2 form, second will be the heal.
- The Trial Cleric’s physical attacks are rather weak. You should still be able to live unless you get really unlucky with RTs, even with no debuffs and buffs to your party (and assuming good armor of course…)
- This is good, because hardly any Clerics buff P. Def or debuff P. Atk
- Millard, Lianna, Ophilia
- This is good, because hardly any Clerics buff P. Def or debuff P. Atk
- The Trial Cleric’s elemental attacks are quite strong.
- Luckily, a lot more Clerics buff E. Def, though only Lianna debuffs E. Atk
- Millard, Ramona, Ophilia, Lianna
- Luckily, a lot more Clerics buff E. Def, though only Lianna debuffs E. Atk
- Aura attacks: don’t let them happen
- In Phase 1, this happens after 3 turns of actions, with the aura attack happening on the 4th turn
- “Extremely powerful physical attack on a single ally”
- Same thing with Phase 2.
- AOE Light, applies P. Atk, P. Def, E. Atk, E. Def down for 3 turns
- In Phase 1, this happens after 3 turns of actions, with the aura attack happening on the 4th turn
General Notes:
- You can use Regen and you definitely should
- Keep in mind that this fight runs in 4 turn break cycles, so a long Regen isn’t a requirement.
- Keep in mind the speed your units need to hit to not get stunlocked by the row swap in Phase 1 (288 or higher)
- The clerics we have right now aren’t particularly good at Magic DPS, so you should expect most of your damage to be coming from Yan Long during Phase 1.
- Yan Long will probably be shieldshaving in both phases, so make sure to provide him with good SP Regen.
Suggested team if you literally have no 5 star Clerics other than Yan Long:
- Yan Long | Pearl/Jose
- Cedric | Ramona
- Madelaine | Telly
- Menno | Pearl/Jose
Cleric Job Shop #
Yan Long’s A4 Accessory #
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