The apothecary class is filled with strong Regen casters but lacks damage.
Axe DPS was a major issue until we got Gertrude, and later A2 and 2B.
And now we have Hayes. He has really high damage and (the weakest) Regen in one package.
Tier List Overview of Hayes #
In my tier list of all units by roles, Hayes scores S in the PDPS category, dealing really good Axe damage.
He’s one of a handful of units that has a role in every category.
His front row regen makes him innately tanky.
Unique 15% Axe DMG to front row passive can be taken advantage of by our top axe DPSers.
And 4-hit axe with priority move combined with his 20% PDEF Down debuff passive when breaking is simply amazing.
Stats #
Unit Kit #
- Full HP: Front Row Axe DMG +15%
- Only unit that can raise passive Axe DMG to allies
- Useful for A2, 2B, and Gertrude
- When Hayes break an enemy, inflict 20% PDEF down and grant self 20% PATK up for 2 turns
- Requires Hayes to break, easy to achieve with his priority 4-hit axe skill
- Only unit that has a passive PDEF debuff; this is powerful because of how passive debuffs interact with other buffs/debuffs
Best Skills
- 5* skill: 4-hit Axe to random foes, and act first.
- Use this specifically to initiate break on enemy; also useful to break the 100K and 300K EXP Caits
- 4* skill: Front Row HP Regen for 2 – 5 turns.
- The potency is equivalent to every other 5* apothecary’s Front Row regen
- 5* skill: 1-hit Axe and 1-hit Fire nuke to single foe, dealing 50% more damage if enemy is bleeding
- Can become one of the strongest firepower skill in the game but comes with hefty pre-reqs (enemy must be weak to fire and axe and bleeding)
- 2* skill: 3-hit Axe to random foes, moderate chance to inflict bleed
- Generally wouldn’t use this unless you have 1 or more units that can take advantage of bleed (Stead, Jillmeila)
- 3* skill: Heal single ally and cure some status ailments
- His only burst heal skill is single target
Generally you’ll want to pick:
- 4-hit axe to random target with priority
- front row regen
- 1-hit axe and fire nuke
- 3-hit axe to random targets with chance to bleed
Ultimate Skill
- 1-hit single target axe nuke, 20% more damage if enemy is bleeding.
- Has the potential to be the 2nd highest firepower in the game, only behind Berserker A2.
Awakening 4 Accessory
- 70 PATK, 70 EATK
- Axe DMG +15%
- When breaking an enemy, high chance to inflict bleeding (turns: 3)
This is an B rank accessory that provides a large amount of PATK and EATK. It will help any apothecary Regen harder with the 70 EATK. The bleed passive cannot be relied upon.
Best Accessories #
- Any 15% Axe if using as DPS
- Any EATK accessory if using as Regen
- Accessories that provide raw HP; F2P can use Adventurer’s Emblem for 200HP and 200HP regen per turn
Skill Damage Rankings #
I assume all units at A4, Lv 100, with Berserk IV weapons.
Unit passives are generally active unless otherwise specified.
Click here to view the full skill firepower table and an explanation of how it’s made.
Top 25 damaging skills
Top 20 Axe skills
Healers Compared #
Hayes is considered the weakest 5* regen healer in my books. He lacks regen turn duration, front row burst healing, and revive.
Team Comps #
- Support your A2, 2B, Gertrude
- TherionGOD will work well debuffing enemy PDEF, shield shaving, and complimenting any physical attacking team
- Lynette/Primrose/Glossom/Tithi multiple other units that buff PATK
- Viola/Falco/Glossom/Tithi for PDEF debuff
- Alfyn with Pomegranate Panacea is a DPS’ BFF
- Find other companions via the Buff/Debuff finder tool
- Another useful resource is the recruitable allies table for multi-hit shield shaving and attack buffs
End Game Content Usage #
- Glossom Cup (Axe weakness)
- Yunnie Cup (Axe)
- Yan Long Cup (Sword)
- Lv 100 NPC: Once-famous Actress (Axe)
- Apothecary Job Tower
Should You Pull? #
He is a very versatile unit that can take on many roles.
Assuming 2.4k to pity… I would pull if you’re lacking a front row regen apothecary or Axe DPS.
I would seriously pull if you have A2/2B and/or plan to pull for Cecily/Eltrix/Nephti as they all lack axe dmg passives.
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