Contains Valley of Death: East and Valley of Death: West.

Valley of Death Valley of Death East

Normal enemies: Goat, Ratkin.

Elite Enemy (Middle): Mighty Highland Goat Lv 54.

Elite Enemy (Bottom): Menacing Wooly Spider Lv 65. Weakness: Sword, Axe, Staff, Fire, Ice.

Valley of Death2

Normal enemies: Goat, Ratkin.

Elite Enemy (Top): Menacing Spiked Skink Lv 65. Weakness: Spear, Dagger, Staff, Dark.

Elite Enemy (Bottom): Mighty Mountain Goat Lv 54. Weakness: Sword, Spear, Staff, Lightning.

Valley of Death West

Normal enemies: Goat, Ratkin.

Elite Enemy (Top): Mighty Ratkin Lv 54. Weakness: Bow, Tome, Fan, Ice, Lightning.

Elite Enemy (Bottom): Menacing Highland Ratking I Lv 65. Weakness: Spear, Dagger, Fan, Lightning, Light.

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